Rituals for online lessons

With my B2 level, each online lesson starts with matching pairs on Learningapps. The content comes from the previous lesson and the new vocabulary that came from it. As the purpose is to broaden the vocabulary, the learner has to find the right synonym. 
For homework, the learner will make sentences with the synonym. 

At the beginning of the lesson, we discover an interesting picture which I partly cover. The learner has to describe what is on the picture and speculate about what is not shown on the picture. This is something that the learners find exciting to do. Besides, it enables them to use the vocabulary they know. (Lego is a winner for that activity).

Another activity that has the same purpose is to show a picture like some photos/postcard from holidays and ask the learner to make a story (where, who, when, what).

Ads are also fantastic to use for teaching languages. Why? Because it usually calls for creativity and there are a lot of pun.

Here are some examples of what I use
Here the brand Barilla made a fireworks (un feu d'artifice)

stop saying stupid things (arrêter de dire des salades) (raconter des salades: to spin yarns). We use this expression a lot in French.

advertisement using pun.

using the homophone fin, faim

If you have a group, at the beginning of the lesson, the learners could ask each other some questions (using some grammar points learnt previously) or just any questions they would want to ask.

Hope this post inspires you for your next lesson :)
